Apr 6, 2014 | Space
It’s Space Sunday. An early estimate of how many people you would need to colonize another world put the number at 150 people. A new study puts the number between 10,000 – 40,000 to maintain maximum genetic diversity over 300 years.
Apr 6, 2014 | Space
NASA is open-sourcing more of its code. They released the code that controlled the Apollo 11 module in 2009, on the 40th anniversary. Sadly, my rocket remains unfinished, but at least I have the software for it.
Apr 3, 2014 | PM Methods
During a recent job interview, the topic of Agile vs. Waterfall was brought up. Specifically, I discussed a job I did for a government agency, where it was mandated that a waterfall approach should be used. I was asked a basic question, “Would agile have made...